Marinha das Filipinas

Assuntos em discussão: Marinha do Brasil e marinhas estrangeiras, forças de superfície e submarinas, aviação naval e tecnologia naval.

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Re: Marinha das Filipinas

#46 Mensagem por JavaLindo66 » Qui Mai 27, 2021 10:15 pm

South Korea, Philippines Discussing Future Submarine Capabilities Enhancement
Philippines Department of National Defense Assistant Secretary for Logistics and Acquisition (ASEC), Jesus Rey. R Avilla, visited the Korean Navy Submarine Force Command on May 12, 2021 to discuss Philippine-Korea submarine cooperation.
by Naval News Staff | 27 May 2021

KSS-I submarine Chang Bogo (SS-061). ROK Navy picture.

DSME press release

Greeted by the Commander of Submarine Force, the two parties discussed various areas of cooperation to enhance the Philippine Navy’s future submarine capabilities.

Issues discussed include transfer of the Korean Navy’s submarine operation know-how, resumption of International Submarine Education and Training Program (ISETP) that has been put on hold due to COVID-19, and regular Navy-to-Navy talks on submarines.

Philippines is an ally who stood by our side during the Korean War and we look forward to returning the favor the Philippines through a long-term submarine cooperation” said the Commander.

During his stay, the Assistant Secretary also visited the Korean Navy’s submarine workshops, training facilities and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), the builder of Korean submarines. DSME has been offering to Philippines its 1,400-ton submarine under a “Total Solution Package” which also includes crew-training and soft-loan to fulfill the Philippine Navy’s Submarine Acquisition Project.

As an opportunity to strengthen the bilateral strategic partnership, the Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) is also actively supporting this project.

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Re: Marinha das Filipinas

#47 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Sex Mai 28, 2021 12:48 am

É, os filipinos sabem bem aonde o calo chinês lhes aperta.
Estão comprando T-129, Guarani , Super Tucano, já compraram navios usados de vários lugares; estão basicamente reforçando todas as forças armadas. E ainda estão atrás de novos caças para substituir os atuais.
Falta só arrumarem uma grana para o KC-390. Aí ficaria perfeito para nós.
Aliás, creio que até o Astros 2020 seria uma boa para eles. Se for MTC junto então.


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Re: Marinha das Filipinas

#48 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Out 11, 2021 7:52 am

Philippine Navy receives Mistral 3 SAMs for two frigates
By Dorian Archus -October 11, 2021


The Philippines has received its first-ever surface-to-air missiles, which will be deployed on the country’s two missile-capable frigates, according to domestic media outlets.

Surface-to-air missiles known as Mistral 3 were delivered to the Subic Bay International Airport on October 8 in preparation for deployment on the Philippine Navy frigates BRP Jose Rizal and BRP Antonio Luna.

In a statement, Commander Benjo Negranza, director of the Philippine Navy’s naval public affairs office, stated, “The arrival of these missiles will substantially enhance the capability of our frigates in the performance of their maritime operations.”

Vice Admiral Adeluis Bordado, the flag officer in command of the Philippine Navy, stated that this is the first time the country has acquired such a type of missile system.

“This is a game-changer,” says the author. “We are evolving into a more modern and multi-capable organization,” Bordado remarked.

Last year, the BRP Jose Rizal, the country’s first missile-capable warship, was delivered to the country, while the BRP Antonio Luna arrived in the country in February of the same year. (Photo Credit: PN)

According to a report published by the Asia Pacific Defense Journal, the Philippine Navy purchased the missiles for a total of 10.69 million euros through a negotiated agreement with the French missiles business MBDA.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) also expressed their delight at the arrival of the new missiles in the country.

A spokesperson for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Col. Ramon Zagala, said that the acquisition of missile systems is a cost-effective and dependable addition to a multi-layered defense system capable of denying enemy intrusion and discouraging future attacks by foreign threats.

Several Mistral surface-to-air missiles are expected to be fired from the Simbad-RC twin mount remote firing system onboard the two Navy frigates, which can be used to engage low-level aircraft or anti-ship missiles, according to the Navy.

Surface-to-air missiles called Mistrals are being purchased by the Philippine Navy as part of the Frigate Acquisition Project, which aims to upgrade the country’s naval force in order to improve the country’s maritime defense and development capabilities, according to the Navy.

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Re: Marinha das Filipinas

#49 Mensagem por P44 » Seg Out 11, 2021 10:28 am

According to the report from, the DND and the Philippine Navy has completed negotiations on the Corvette Acquisition Project, with Post Qualification Inspections proceeding afterwards.

So far, based on our checking with sources, the DND and PN only did final negotiations with 1 company, which is Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) of South Korea.

The DND and PN are positive the initial funding would be available for the project, which is being pushed for soft loan paid via multi-year obligation allocations.

More on the report, together with confirmation of MaxDefense Philippines' earlier report on restarting of bidding for Landing Docks Acquisition Project on the link: ... y-restarts

Caption source: Max Defense PH


HDF-2600 is the Jose Rizal-class, making the HDC-3100 design bigger and better as HDC-3100 has 8x AShM launchers, and a 16x VLS store.

It wouldn't be surprising if the HDC-3100 design gets re-designated as a Frigate down the line.


do military images

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Re: Marinha das Filipinas

#50 Mensagem por P44 » Qua Nov 17, 2021 7:25 am

The two Jose Rizal Class Frigates and Del Pilar Class Patrol Vessel of the Philippine Navy docked in Subic Bay

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Re: Marinha das Filipinas

#51 Mensagem por Viking » Qui Jan 20, 2022 4:38 pm

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Re: Marinha das Filipinas

#52 Mensagem por Viking » Dom Jan 30, 2022 4:35 pm

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Re: Marinha das Filipinas

#53 Mensagem por FCarvalho » Dom Jan 30, 2022 4:55 pm

Agora o negócio está ficando sério.


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Re: Marinha das Filipinas

#54 Mensagem por Viking » Dom Set 11, 2022 12:10 pm
